5 Holistic Podcasts to Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever

5 Holistic Podcasts to Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever

New Year resolutions come and go, and tend to be a little short-lived. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, support, or not being able to stick to a consistent routine, many of us throw in the towel too easily. It’s hard to work on some things on our own because we don’t understand how to go about it or don’t have proper guidance. Luckily, with the rise of podcasts, it’s easier to find certified experts who can break things down into digestible doses of information. The following 5 podcasts are awesome avenues to help you with having a better mindset about goals, health, nutrition, and life in general.

The Huberman Lab Podcast

Have you ever wondered about the pure science behind how your brain and body work together with regard to health, wellness, and achieving better sleep? Look no further than the Huberman Lab Podcast hosted by Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford. His podcasts also feature interviews with many notable figures in the fields of medicine, fitness, wellness, and even creative arts.

The mindbodygreen Podcast

In a similar light, MindBodyGreen with Jason Wahcob also explores an array of wellness and health topics with the input of experts in the field. Many podcasts center around science-based studies on health, mental health, and nutrition. It’s a brilliant source of credible information to help you on your journey of self-care and wellness.

The Highest Self Podcast 

Sahara Rose has a huge following and is the #1 spirituality podcast out today. Her sessions explore finding your dharma (soul’s purpose) with Ayurvedic knowledge and life experiences. If you feel lost or unsure of your purpose in life, this podcast can definitely shed a unique light on how to discover what you really need to improve your mindset, your life, and the lives of those around you.

Balanced Black Girl

The Balanced Black Girl podcast was launched because host, Les, a woman of color, felt like the top leading health resources available to her weren’t relatable. Her podcasts revolve around achieving mindfulness, better health, and lifestyle topics about career, family, friendships, and personal development. She also features interviews with other black women wellness experts.

Life Kit

Life Kit on NPR is a go-to podcast for everything that is life. From podcasts about how to divide chores in your household to how to reduce your carbon footprint, there is something for everyone to gain knowledge about. This podcast is full of interesting life hacks, topics on health and fitness, current events, and personal development to name a few.


Even if you’ve never really been a podcast sort of person, these are some great places to start. They pack a wide range of different approaches to lifestyle, health, and overall wellness. These podcasts can help to shed light on things that might actually work for you as you strive to achieve your goals in health, life, and becoming your best self in 2023 and beyond!

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