Disclaimer: This forecast is for entertainment purposes only. Do not take any of this advice as legal, financial, or medical advice.
The light is coming after a very cold winter and the energy of change is blooming alongside spring. Spring starts with a bang with a Full Moon and eclipse in Libra, bringing chaotic energy surrounding the ways we relate to each other, the boundaries we set, and how we express ourselves in one-on-one relationships.
From April 1st to April 29th, Mercury will go retrograde in Aries so double-check everything, be prepared to be patient as misunderstandings and miscommunications crop up, refrain from making big purchases or written agreements, and keep track of your items, as they tend to get lost during this retrograde.
During April, the New Moon in Aries is a great time to manifest new beginnings in general, as well as more energy and stamina. On April 23rd, the Full Moon in Scorpio is great for energy cleansings, as we’ll be closing chapters that are keeping us stuck in non-evolved states.
Pluto will go retrograde in Pluto on May 2nd until October 11th. Some areas of our lives may slow down as we try to do our inner work to integrate Plutonian themes – those that have to do with integrating our shadow selves, letting go and destroying anything that doesn’t have a strong foundation in our lives, going through metaphorical deaths, and letting go of obsessive thinking.
On May 8th, the New Moon in Taurus is a great time to manifest a new beginning when it comes to sources of income or how we communicate with our own bodies. The Full Moon of May 23rd in Sagittarius invites us to let go of any philosophies that are keeping us stuck.
Some lucky dates in May for all of us to watch out for are May 18th, when the Sun and Jupiter will come together, and May 23rd, when Venus and Jupiter will come together. Finally, on may 25th, Jupiter will leave Taurus and enter Gemini, and so the wheel of fortune turns and different areas of our lives become blessed.
As we draw closer to summer, watch out for the New Moon in Gemini on June 6th, a great time to stimulate our sense of curiosity, joy, and wonder.
Spring starts during Aries season itself with a bang. On March 25th, the Full Moon and eclipse in Libra in your seventh house of committed partnership. There may be some chaos and disorder in this area of life, but mostly clarity once you let the dust settle.
From April 1st to April 25th, Mercury retrograde will take place in your first house of self, the body, and sense of identity. You may feel misunderstood during these days and like stressful situations follow you wherever you go. Take a deep breath and do your best so your temper doesn’t get the best of you. I strongly advise waiting until this retrograde is over before you get anything aesthetic done. That tattoo, eyebrow wax, or haircut can wait!
However, you’ll also be particularly magnetic during most of April as Venus also moves into your first house on April 5th. This will give you an extra boost of charm. The New Moon on April 8th is an opportunity for you to manifest anything you’d like, as it falls in your own sign. The sky’s the limit when it comes to planting new seeds on or around this date.
Your finances may get unpredictable around April 21st, in both positive and negative ways. This is so because Jupiter and Uranus will come together on April 21st. The results will be unpredictable, as for some of you the influence of benevolent Jupiter will be felt more strongly, and in other cases, Jupiter will only extend the influence of erratic Uranus. However, there is also good news surrounding your finances by the end of April as Venus enters your second house of personal finances on April 29th. From this date forward, expect to become a bit of a money magnet.
During May, the focus on your personal finances continues. On May 8th, the New Moon in Taurus takes place in your second house, making it the ideal day to manifest a new beginning when it comes to making it rain. May 18th is a lucky day for you when it comes to money, as the Sun and Jupiter come together in your second house. Jupiter will only expand the aspect of the Sun that has to do with wealth and prosperity, so this is a day to watch out for for a lucky break when it comes to your finances. On the 23rd, right before Venus leaves your second house, it comes together with Jupiter to attract some extra money your way.
As the summer draws near, on June 9th, Mars moves into your second house, setting you up for financial success with a surge of energy and drive regarding your money and personal health for the coming summer.
This spring, the focus starts on the self. There is no love like self-love, and there is no care like self-care. On April 21st, the Sun, transiting your first house of identity of self, forms a tense aspect with Pluto, currently transiting your tenth house of career. Take some time to reflect on whether your chosen career path represents your core values as an individual and whether said career choice promotes your own well-being. On the same day, Jupiter and Uranus come together in your first house. You may have an epiphany or breakthrough regarding who you are and what you’re capable of achieving.
On April 23rd, the Full Moon in Scorpio will take place in your seventh house of partnership. You and your committed partner are moving forward toward a new cycle in your relationship and leaving your old days behind. If you’re single, you may get some clarity on or around this date as to what needs to change for you to attract the love you want, need, and deserve.
As March draws to a close, prepare to become a magnet for love, money, and all sorts of interesting opportunities as on April 29th, Venus moves into your first house of self and identity.
During May, you may start to experience a dull period in your career as Pluto, currently transiting your tenth house of career, goes retrograde on May 2nd. May 8th offers a great opportunity for you to manifest anything that comes to mind, as it falls in your own Zodiac sign.
May 18th is a lucky day for you in which anything is possible. The Sun, a luminary with ties to wealth, joy, and abundance, and Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion, meet in the area of your chart that represents you as a person. May 22nd may bring in financial or career luck specifically, as the Sun, now in Gemini in your second house of personal finances and assets, forms a harmonious aspect with Pluto in your tenth house of career. On May 23rd, Venus, which works as a money magnet, will move into your second house of finances. Before that, though, it will come together with Jupiter briefly in your first house of self, attracting even more general good luck your way.
May 25th is a massive day, as Jupiter, after being in Taurus for more than a year, transits into your second house of personal finances. Expect some extra money on or around this date. On the same date, Venus, also in your second house, forms a harmonious planet with Pluto in your tenth house of career, indicating some people are ready to spend their hard-earned money on someone with your trajectory and reputation.
June continues the trend of prosperity. On June 4th, the Sun and Venus will come together in your second house of money and finances, attracting some money your way. Mercury, also in your second house, will form a trine with Pluto in your tenth house of career, attracting some accolades and money your way. Mercury and Jupiter will also come together on this date, which makes it especially prosperous for those of you in the field of communication.
On June 6th, the New Moon in Gemini is a great time to manifest this theme of prosperity continuing on. On June 9th, you will experience a surge of motivation and vitality as Mars enters your first house of self and the body.
The spring starts off for you with an emphasis on your career. On March 21st, Venus will be conjunct Saturn in Pisces in your tenth house of career trajectory, reputation, and legacy. Venus brings in a harmonious influence to the tougher energy of Saturn, softening it. If you’ve been making an effort to be in a better place when it comes to your career, you may see the fruit of that on or around this date. On March 22nd, Mars, the planet of drive and motivation, enters your tenth house as well, giving you a surge in energy and motivation to take your career to the next level.
There is also some new, renewed energy coming in when it comes to your love life in March as on March 25th there’s a Full Moon in energy, which in your case will take place in your fifth house of romance. This is also the day of an eclipse, so the energy may be disorderly or chaotic. You may see chapters closing when it comes to your love life and artistic expression. Whatever happens, trust that it is for the best, and do your best to move on from the situations that emerge on or around this date.
On April 3rd, you will be especially magnetic in your career as Venus and Neptune come together in your tenth house. You will seem both magnetic and mysterious, but try not to oversell yourself to potential employers or clients. On April 10th, Mars will be conjunct Saturn in your tenth house of career. If you’ve been doing what you should, you will get an extra boost of energy to finally finish what you’ve been intending to do. If you’ve been neglecting your legacy, this energy may feel a bit more aggressive, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.
There are two dates in the month of May for you to circle. One is May 23rd, when the Full Moon in Sagittarius will bring the closing of a chapter in your committed partnerships and business partnerships. Endings aren’t always something to mourn, you may be stepping into the next chapter with your committed partner by moving in together or getting engaged. Another date to keep in mind is May 25th, when Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion, will be moving into your first house of self and identity, starting a new chapter of excellent luck and prosperity for you.
June 4th will be a day of great magnetism for you as both the Sun and Venus will come together in your first house of self and identity, as well as Mercury and Jupiter also in your first house. On June 6th, you can manifest any new beginning that’s on your mind as the New Moon in Gemini is all about new beginnings on anything that has to do with you.
Your finances will start to pick up from June 17th onwards, when Venus, a magnet for money, enters your second house of personal finances. Prepare to make it rain as the summer draws near.
The spring starts off for you with a focus on career as the Sun enters your tenth house of reputation, career as a trajectory, and your duty to society on March 20th. April also has the focus here, though there is also some flirtatious energy surrounding your love life.
The not so great news is that on April 1st, Mercury will go retrograde in your tenth house of career. Read the fine print before signing your contract for a new job and make sure all the proposals you send your clients don’t lend themselves to misunderstandings. This will all end on April 25th.
On April 5th, Venus enters your tenth house of career, making you a magnet to all sorts of new opportunities. This is a great time to leave your resumé in promising companies, send offers to potential clients and generally put yourself out there as a professional. This energy is made stronger by this month’s New Moon in Aries in your tenth house of career. This is a great time to manifest changes in your career or more clarity regarding how to make money doing something you truly love and find fulfilling.
On April 11th, you may get some clarity as the Sun and Mercury come together in your tenth house.
Regarding your love life, the Full Moon on April 23rd will take place in Scorpio in your fifth house of fun, romance, and casual relationships. This is also the house of children and Full Moons come charged with power, so this is the date to conceive if that’s what you’re after. It’s also a great day for self-expression and creating art. On or around this date, you’ll see the end of a cycle regarding a passion project, art piece, or casual relationship. A much-needed ending will take place.
May is mostly an uneventful month, with the New Moon in Taurus on May 8th offering an opportunity to plant new seeds regarding new friendships and a sense of community and support networks. The Full Moon this month, on the other hand, will help you harvest what you sowed when it comes to daily habits, activities in the workplace, and your relationship with coworkers. Organized Cancer risings who pay attention to the nitty-gritty may expect some rewards for their hard work.
On June 17th, Mercury enters your first house of self, the body, and identity. You will be filled with the urge to communicate who you are and intellectualize some aspects of your identity in a positive way. On the same day, Venus enters your first house of self and identity, making you magnetic to all sorts of opportunities as the spring draws to a close. From a new job or clients to new romantic or friendship prospects, you name it, you have it! This is the time to put yourself out there both out there and in person so that the right people can find you.
The spring equinox brings in a strong energy of intense transformation for Leo risings. This is so because Mars moves into your eighth house of transformation, therapy processes, sex, shared finances, and inheritances, giving you a lot of motivation to undergo much-needed therapy and figure things out in the bedroom.
This theme continues in April as Mars and Saturn come together on your eighth house, encouraging you to combine your urge to transform and heal with what you owe to yourself, others, and society.
The focus as April moves along is then strongly placed on your career as the Sun enters your tenth house of career, trajectory, and reputation on April 19th. On April 22nd, the Sun in your tenth house forms a tense aspect with Pluto in your seventh house of committed partnership or business partnerships. Even though the energy is tense, take it as an opportunity to grow. Your partner’s interests may come into conflict with what you want to achieve in your career. Take the time to have some constructive dialogue so you’re on the same page.
On April 22nd, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion, comes together with Uranus, the planet of sudden events, invention, and surprises in your tenth house of career, so you may get a lucky break in your career on or around this date. Whatever happens will be very unexpected and mostly positive, with the benevolent influence of Jupiter in the mix.
On April 29th, Venus enters your tenth house as well, making you especially magnetic to great professional opportunities. Make sure you’re ready to put yourself out there and start sending out your resumé, cover letter, and portfolio around.
During May, both the more committed aspect of your romantic relationship and your career will continue to be top of mind. On May 1st, Venus, currently transiting your tenth house of career, will form a tense aspect with Pluto in your seventh house of committed partnership and business partnerships. Perhaps this hyperfocus on your career is unusual for your partnership and your partner may need some reassurance, or perhaps you need to reevaluate how to be each other’s greatest ally and biggest fans as your career grows rapidly. Conflict is always best undergone with a lot of dialogue and back and forth, so don’t be afraid to talk things through with your partner. The tension between career and partnership continues on May 17th.
On May 2nd, Pluto goes retrograde on your seventh house of partnership. Those of you who are single may experience a bit of a dry spell as you go within and experience the themes of Pluto in your inner world. This will go on until October 11th, when it finally goes direct.
May 18th is a particularly lucky day for career as, on the one hand, the Sun, a planet tied to prosperity and light, comes together with Jupiter, the planet of good luck, in your tenth house of career. At the same time and in the same house, Venus, a harmonious and magnetic planet, comes together with Uranus, the planet of surprises and sudden events. Expect unexpected news and a lucky break! This is a magical day for your career you should expect with enthusiasm. There is an echo of this energy on May 31st as Mercury comes together with Uranus also in your house of career. You may receive unexpected news on or around this date.
June starts off with some harmonious energy surrounding both your friends and committed relationship. On June 4th, Mercury, currently transiting your eleventh house of friendship, shared dreams, and community, forms a trine with Pluto in your seventh house of committed partnership. Perhaps you will meet your next committed partner through friends or a friendship may blossom into something more, or perhaps you are due to have a nice night with both your friends and your partner.
On June 9th, Mars enters your tenth house of career, setting you up for the coming summer with a lot of drive and motivation to grow even more as a professional. On June 11th, there is an echo of the earlier tension between your career and partner. Again, take it as an opportunity to grow and make sure you and your partner are on even ground when it comes to helping each other grow and hyping each other up.
The spring starts for Virgo risings with a focus on committed partnerships as Venus and Saturn come together in your seventh house of partnership and marriage on March 21st. Venus will soften the effects of Saturn, which encourages you to make an effort and work for what you want. If you have been putting in the work to get the partner you deserve, you may start to see the fruits. On March 22nd, Mars enters your seventh house as well. This will give you a lot of drive, energy, and motivation to work on your partnership.
The Full Moon and eclipse on March 25th will take place in your second house of personal finances. You’re letting go of an old pattern of behavior to make space for the new when it comes to money. The energy around the eclipse can feel quite disorderly and chaotic so do watch out for that.
On April 3rd, Venus and Neptune will come together in your seventh house, giving you a mysterious and charming aura to potential partners. On April 10th, Mars and Saturn come together. This is a tricky one. Whether you have a positive or negative experience on April 10th depends on how much work you’ve been putting into becoming a better partner. If you have been diligent, you’ll see things moving forward in your favor. If you’ve been slacking off, this may feel a bit more on the tense side, so buckle up! On April 29th, Mars and Neptune will come together in your seventh house, which will, on the one hand, give you an attractive, magnetic energy; on the other, it may bring about some shocking news about your partner.
May is more about career for Virgo risings. On May 22nd, there will be a harmonious aspect between the Sun in your tenth house of career and Pluto in your sixth house of daily activities and the workplace. This may mean you’ll get a promotion, raise, or beneficial change in jobs because of how organized and efficient you are on or around this date.
May 23rd is an especially lucky date for your career. On the one hand, Venus will enter your tenth house of career and reputation. This will make you more magnetic to all sorts of work opportunities, so put yourself out there. On the other hand, Venus and Jupiter will come together in your tenth house. You may get your five minutes of fame, blow up on social media, get an incredible new job or client, or otherwise get a crazy lucky break in your career on or around this date.
May 25th is also a lucky day for your career as Venus, transiting your tenth house, will form a harmonious aspect with Pluto in your sixth house of daily workplace activities. This date is another one in which you could get promoted or move up. On May 25th, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion, will move into your tenth house of career and reputation, giving you a lucky break in this area.
The theme of focusing on your career continues in June. On June 4th, the Sun and Venus come together, giving you another lucky break. Mercury in your tenth house of career will form a harmonious aspect with Pluto in your sixth. Your efficiency and organization once again may help you go up the corporate ladder. Mercury and Jupiter will also come together, benefiting those of you who work in communication or who otherwise need to have an important conversation at work.
On June 6th, the New Moon in your tenth house is the perfect opportunity to manifest your dream job or your dream clients. On June 14th, you may gain some clarity on what you manifested a few days before as the Sun and Mercury come together in your tenth house.
The spring starts off with a focus on your identity and any self-limiting beliefs that may be holding you back as the Full Moon and eclipse in Libra on March 25th. Though chaotic, because this is an eclipse after all, you will see the end of a chapter when it comes to how you talk to yourself and any ideas about yourself that may actually be holding you back.
During April, Mercury retrograde will be in your seventh house of committed partnership and business partnerships from April 1st to April 25th. Watch what you say and how you say it as you and your partner may be prone to misunderstandings. Try to avoid any changes in relationship status or business partnership until this retrograde is over, as there may be some things that need to be revised if you jump the gun. I know this may be not so great news to Libra risings who generally place great importance on their relationships and important partnerships, but do remember that there’s nothing that can be solved by calmly discussing things and truly listening actively to each other.
On April 5th, Venus enters your seventh house. This may signify the arrival of a brand new person with a lot of Venusian energy – perhaps an artist or someone in finance. Otherwise, this is a great time to look for that serious relationship you crave, as you yourself will be magnetic to advantageous partnerships. On April 8th, you can manifest a new beginning in your existing relationship or what you want from a committed partner moving forward, as the New Moon in Aries on this date as New Moons are all about planting seeds and this one will be taking place in your seventh house of committed partnership.
On April 11th, you may receive some news that gives you clarity in your love life as the Sun and Mercury come together in your seventh house.
On April 23rd, get ready to shed some old skin when it comes to your relationship with money. The Full moon on this date will take place in Scorpio in your second house of personal finances, marking the end of a cycle so abundance can come in in the future. As Venus leaves your seventh house of partnership on April 29th, the focus starts to be someplace else as spring advances.
On May 2nd, Pluto, currently transitioning your fifth house of romance and fun, will go retrograde. Some of you who are single may experience a bit of a dry spell as the invitation is to go within and reflect on the necessary dismantling of old ideas that needs to take place in your life to make space for the kind of love you want and need.
The season ends with a focus on your career as both Mercury and Venus enter your tenth house of trajectory, legacy, and reputation. Prepare to get yourself out there and network, you will be magnetic to all sorts of advantageous opportunities.
The spring starts off for you with a lot of movement in your love life. On March 21st, Venus will be conjunct Saturn in your fifth house of casual lovers, romance, and fun. This will make your more serious side more magnetic to new people. On March 22nd, Mars enters the same house, bringing some renewed energy there and perhaps even a very action-oriented new lover.
In April, this energy surrounding your love life continues. On April 3rd, Venus and Neptune will be conjunct in your fifth house. This is a magical day for your love life, but be careful, the energy isn’t coming through clearly and even a Scorpio rising like yourself can misread or overestimate the situation. On April 5th, Venus leaves your fifth house and the focus will start to be someplace else. However, on April 10th, Mars will be conjunct Saturn in your fifth house. You may be pushed to act in a certain way or make a casual relationship serious on or around this date.
The focus in your love life will switch towards the middle of April from playfulness and fun to more committed relationships as the Sun enters your seventh house of committed partnership on April 19th. On April 21st, Jupiter will be conjunct Uranus in your seventh house. You may get a pleasant surprise regarding a committed romantic or business partnership, or a new prospect may appear out of the blue. Be open-minded to who you meet on or around this date if you’re single or looking for someone to carry you through the process of bringing your business idea back to life. Perhaps someone who may not seem like usual type may be exactly what you needed.
On April 23rd, the Full Moon of the month will take place in the Zodiac sign of Scorpio in your first house of self, the body, and your sense of identity. You’re shedding old, self-limiting beliefs and getting ready for a new cycle. On April 29th, Venus enters your seventh house making you magnetic for people who are ready for the long-term and the level of commitment that makes your heart sing, which is no small feat given that you’re a Scorpio rising. On the same date, Mars and Neptune will come together in your fifth house, giving you one last hurrah in your more casual or playful love life.
In the month of May, the focus will be in the more committed aspect of your relationship or about a business partnership. On May 1st, Venus, currently transiting your seventh house of committed partnership, will form a tense aspect with Pluto in your fourth house of home, inner world, and family, suggesting you may have a conflict between your partner and your current living situation, your family, shared history, or the way you handle your feelings.
On May 2nd, Pluto, your ruler, goes retrograde in your fourth house of home, family, and the inner world. You may experience some fatigue on or around this time, or the need to withdraw, be by yourself, and process things on your own. This will last most of the year, until October 11th.
The New Moon in Taurus on May 8th offers an excellent opportunity for you to manifest a new chapter in love. You may get some surprising clarity and news on May 13th, when the Sun and Uranus come together in your seventh house. One of the luckiest days of the year for you when it comes to love is May 18th, when the Sun and Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion, come together in your seventh house of partnership. Venus, the planet of love and attraction, also comes together with Uranus in this house as well, giving the day an element of surprise softened by the influence of Venus.
May 23rd is quite an eventful day for you as well, although the focus is someplace else. On this date, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will act as a catalyst for the closing of a chapter in your finances. You’ll reap what you sow, and most Scorpio risings tend to be quite strategic and forward-thinking when it comes to investing and saving their money so most of you can expect good news as May draws to a close. There is one last glimmer of good luck in your love life before the focus moves somewhere else as Venus and Jupiter come together in your seventh house.
On May 25th, Jupiter finally moves away from your seventh house to your eighth house of shared assets and finances, inheritances, sex, and processes of transformation. Finally, on May 31st, Mercury, the planet of communication, and Uranus, the planet of surprises and unforeseen events come together in your seventh house. You may hear some unexpected news when it comes to committed and business partnerships.
June places the focus more on the casual and more playful side of romantic love. On June 8th, there is a tense aspect between Venus in your eighth house of transformation, sex, shared finances, and inheritance and Saturn, currently transiting your fifth house of casual relationships, fun, and the more playful side of love. The impulse to fuse your life with someone else may come into conflict with a relationship that is more casual in nature or, if serious, is desperately calling for some fun times together. On June 9th, there is a similar energy as the Sun in your eighth house forms a similar aspect to Saturn, but Mars enters your now mostly empty except for Uranus seventh house of committed partnership, perhaps giving you new motivation to pursue a relationship. Mars entering this area of your birth chart may even symbolize a new person with martian qualities entering your life – someone decisive, action-oriented, and motivated.
Spring starts with a focus on romance and fun. On March 20th, the Sun entered your fifth house of romance, children, self-expression, and the arts. However, from April 1st to April 25th, Mercury will go retrograde in your fifth house. This may give you some headaches as there may be miscommunication and misunderstandings between yourself and your situationships. Do your best to communicate directly but compassionately to avoid conflict.
On April 5th, Venus enters your fifth house. You may meet someone artsy or very smart when it comes to finance. You will, in fact, be very attractive to all sorts of promising prospects from this date forward. The New Moon on April 8th will take place in Aries in your fifth house of romance as well. This is a great time to conceive if that’s what you’re after. Otherwise, this is a great date to do a little ritual to communicate to the Universe what you expect from romance moving forward.
On April 11th, the Sun and Mercury will come together in your fifth house of romance, bringing some clarity and much-needed communication in this area of life. On April 29th, Venus will leave your fifth house, so make sure to plant your seeds in your love life before this date.
In May, the focus moves to the more committed aspect of your relationships, romantic and otherwise. On May 23rd, Venus enters your seventh house of committed relationships and business partnerships. On this date, there is also a Full Moon in your first house of self and identity. You’re being invited to strip away parts of your identity that no longer serve you so you can embrace a committed partnership moving forward.
On May 25th, Jupiter enters your seventh house. If your love life has been stagnant or a bit of a source of tension, that changes from this date on. Jupiter is the planet of good luck and expansion, so this is the year you finally meet a quality potential life partner or things in your existing relationship finally start to improve. If your existing committed relationship is already fine as is, this may be the year you get engaged and/or married, or get to travel together.
The focus on your committed partnership continues, as on June 3rd Mercury enters your seventh house of committed partnership, giving you the drive to communicate and think logically about your partnership. On June 4th, the Sun and Venus come together in your seventh house, making you magnetic to potential prospects or giving clarity on an issue that involves your partner. On the same day, Mercury and Jupiter come together, expanding the way you communicate with each other and think about each other.
The Full Moon and eclipse in Libra on March 25th are here to bring some much-needed movement in your tenth house of career. Buckle up, though, Capricorn rising, as things may be changing for the best, but may do so in a chaotic or hectic way.
As we move into spring, however, the focus starts to be on your love life. The Sun in your fifth house of romance, children, self-expression, and the arts forms a tense aspect with Pluto, currently transiting your second house of finances, on April 21st. There may be a limit you may need to learn the hard way when it comes to having fun versus creating a sense of security.
However, the fun and dating only seem to increase. On April 29th, Venus enters your fifth house of romance, making you magnetic to all sorts of promising people. So make sure to put yourself out there on or around this date—you never know who you’ll meet!
May is a hectic month for you. Pluto will go retrograde in your second house of your personal finances, so you may see a bit of a lull there until October this year. The New Moon in Taurus on May 8th is a great time to manifest new love, as it takes place in your fifth house of fun and romance. This is also a great time to conceive if that’s your intention.
May 13th is a lucky day for love as the Sun and Uranus come together in your fifth house of romance. Some lucky and unexpected news may come your way. You’ll find yourself in even more luck on May 18th, as the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter come together in your fifth house. This day is a big deal for you. If you’re single, some of you may meet your soulmate on or around this date.
Jupiter has been transiting your fifth house of romance for over a year now, but that changes on May 25th, as it moves away from Taurus. This feels like the happy ending of an overall happy period in your life, though. You may get some unexpected news regarding your love life as Mercury and Uranus come together in your fifth house on May 31st.
June is more about your finances and the more committed aspect of your romantic relationship. On June 4th, there is a harmonious aspect between Mercury in your sixth house of routine and workplace activities and Pluto in your second house, indicating that some of you may be rewarded with money for your organization, good workplace relationships, and efficiency with money. On June 9th, Mars enters your fifth house of romance, giving you a boost in creativity and the drive to meet new people if that area of your life is still stagnant.
On June 17th, two planets simultaneously start transiting your seventh house of committed partnership and business partnerships: Mercury and Venus, which come together, making you magnetic to potential partners who mean business.
The spring starts off with a very clear and prosperous energy related to the harvest as on March 21st, Venus and Saturn come together in your second house of personal finances and assets. Expect the beginning of spring to be bountiful when it comes to finances. You may be having more clients than usual or even receive a raise at your workplace. On March 22nd, Mars enters your second house of personal finances and assets, giving you a lot of drive and motivation to improve your finances and get that coin.
On April 3rd, Venus will be conjunct Neptune in your second house of personal finances. You may suddenly attract a bit of unexpected money, but be wary of the source, it may not be the most trustworthy source of income for the future, as Neptune here is involved and its energy can be tricky and create mirages and illusions of things that aren’t really there. On April 5th, Venus leaves your second house of personal finances and you become particularly charming with your words. On April 10th, though, Mars and Saturn come together in your second house of personal finances, giving you a much-needed push to create a good financial foundation or strengthen the one that already is in place.
April 23rd is quite an eventful day for you. On the one hand, the Full Moon in Scorpio will take place in your tenth house of career and reputation. It’s a time for harvesting what you sowed while building your legacy and the end of a cycle – this could mean you leave a current job or you get a promotion or a new position. On the other hand, on the same day, Venus enters Gemini in your fifth house of romance and playfulness. If you are single, expect movement from this date forwards, as new promising prospects may appear, or opportunities for fun dates with your current partner will materialize.
April 25th is one of the most eventful days of the year for your love life. On this date, on the one hand, Venus in your fifth house will be forming a harmonious aspect with Pluto in your first house of self, and, on the other, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion, will start its transit in your fifth house of romance. I am confident enough to say that some of you will meet a soulmate or future life partner on or around this date. Others will benefit in other ways, such as a brand new energy with a current partner of meeting someone who may not be in it for the long haul but will expand your current intellectual horizons.
The focus on your love life continues in June as Mercury enters your fifth house on June 3rd, giving you the drive to communicate, make short trips and get out there in your neighborhood to see who you meet or bump into. On June 4th, the Sun and Venus will come together in your fifth house of romance, making you especially magnetic. Mercury will also be conjunct Jupiter in this house, so you may receive some good news regarding a romantic relationship. This is also a great day to conceive if that’s what you’re after.
June 6th offers a great opportunity to manifest new love into your life in your own terms as the New Moon of the month will take place in Gemini in your fifth house of romance. Another lucky day for love as the summer draws near is June 14th, when the Sun and Mercury will come together giving your spoken or written word particular charm and magnetism.
The spring starts off for the fish with all your attention in your finances. The Sun entered your second house of personal finances and assets on March 20th, bringing prosperity and clarity regarding this area. On March 21st and a few days before or after said date, you may have experienced a boost in magnetism as Venus and Saturn formed a conjunction in your first house of self and identity. This is a great time to put yourself out there in any capacity, as you start the spring off with an authoritative but also pleasing halo about you. Finally, you can also expect a boost in energy as Mars enters your first house of self and the body on March 22nd.
April may bring in some misunderstandings regarding your finances as Mercury goes retrograde in Aries, your second house of personal assets, from April 1st to April 25th. Stay on top of the details and make sure to keep a log of everything regarding money coming in and out, and try to refrain from making big purchases until May. Regarding your own personal magnetism and charisma, you will experience another boost on April 3rd as Venus and Neptune come together in your first house of self. There will be some mystery around you on or around this date which you can use to your advantage, but make sure not to accidentally oversell yourself. You will be irresistible to people in all areas of life, who may misunderstand exactly what you bring to the table.
On April 5th, your finances start to pick up even more as Venus, one of the two money magnets, enters Aries, your second house of personal finances. It will stay there until April 29th, so be strategic about it and plant seeds so that money can find you. Money will love you all throughout April, so play your cards right! You can take advantage of this beautiful energy of prosperity surrounding you on April 8th. On this date, the New Moon in Aries is one of the greatest opportunities in the year to communicate your intentions regarding money and health for the rest of the year ahead.
On April 10th, Mars and Saturn will come together in your first house. This represents both a surge in energy and motivation, as that’s what Mars as a planet represents, but also an urge to hold your horses and tend to what needs to be done versus what you feel the need to do right now. If you’ve been doing your homework regarding the themes of Saturn – what you owe to yourself and others and how to build a legacy that aligns with your core values – you may experience this energy as a positive one when you receive a necessary push in the right direction, perhaps accelerating something you intended to do anyway.
April 11th is another big day for your finances. The Sun will be conjunct Mercury in your second house of personal finances and assets, bringing you clarity and perhaps some good financial news or a promising idea as to how to earn more money.
May is more of an uneventful month. A big day to watch out for this month for Pisces risings is the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd, where you’ll see the end of a cycle in your career and/or public reputation. “The end of a cycle” may sound intimidating, but, in many cases, it may signal a good thing, such as the celebration of a promotion, raise, or positive career change. You’re reaping what you sowed in your career, and that can indeed be a time for celebration and joy. If it’s not such a positive experience, understand the Universe is making space for bigger and better things in this area of life.
June brings, on the one hand, the opportunity for emotional growth, and, on the other, new energy when it comes to your love life and downtime. On June 9th and June 12th, there is a tense aspect between Saturn in your first house of self and the Sun and Mercury respectively, currently transiting your fourth house of inner world, home, family, and roots. The waters of your emotional world are running a bit wild at the moment, but don’t let that affect your health and overall emotional stability.
On June 17th, the plot in your love life thickens as Mercury enters your fifth house of romance, casual lovers, and the playful side of more established relationships. You may get news surrounding potential lovers or the sudden urge to talk to promising prospects or put yourself out there. On the same date, Venus enters the fifth house and Mercury and Venus come together in the fifth house as well, suggesting Cupid may be plotting your next adventure.